Invoices to Per Aarsleff A/S

Aarsleff’s creditor team handles incoming invoices to the companies: 

  • Per Aarsleff A/S
  • Aarsleff Rail A/S
  • Danpipe A/S
  • Per Aarsleff Grønland ApS
  • Electrification Programme Aarsleff I/S. 

To ensure the most efficient and appropriate processing of invoices, we strive to be clear and direct in our communication with our suppliers.

General invoice requirements

Account reference

When one of our employees orders an item/places an order, they also provide an account reference to be applied to the invoice.  The account reference is essential for the swift processing of incoming invoices, and if it is missing, the invoice will be returned. 

The account reference consists of a series of numbers and possibly the initials of the person responsible, separated by hyphens, e.g. 1234567-12-1234-ABCD. 

If you have questions regarding the account reference, please contact the employee who ordered the item/placed the order, before you submit your invoice.

Please note that the Aarsleff Group does not pay late payment interest if an invoice is returned due to a missing account reference.

Sending of invoice

Per Aarsleff A/S CVR no. 37542784
Invoice is sent in pdf format to
Or it can be sent via EAN by agreement, contact us at 

Aarsleff Rail A/S CVR no. 32282296 
Invoice is sent in pdf format to
Alternatively, it can be sent via EAN by agreement, contact us at

Danpipe A/S CVR no. 12072384
Invoice is sent in pdf format to

Per Aarsleff Grønland ApS CVR no. 12621167
Invoice is sent in pdf format to 

Electrification Programme Aarsleff I/S CVR no. 36944811
Invoice is sent in pdf format to 

Other enquiries

When sending other enquiries to the creditor team, including submission of statements of account and reminders, use the email address