Aarsleff’s creditor team handles incoming invoices to the companies:
- Per Aarsleff A/S
- Aarsleff Rail A/S
- Danpipe A/S
- Per Aarsleff Grønland ApS
- Electrification Programme Aarsleff I/S.
To ensure the most efficient and appropriate processing of invoices, we strive to be clear and direct in our communication with our suppliers.
General invoice requirements
Sending of invoice
Per Aarsleff A/S CVR no. 37542784
Invoice is sent in pdf format to faktura@aarsleff.com
Or it can be sent via EAN by agreement, contact us at kreditorteam@aarsleff.com
Aarsleff Rail A/S CVR no. 32282296
Invoice is sent in pdf format to faktura@aarsleffrail.com
Alternatively, it can be sent via EAN by agreement, contact us at kreditorteam@aarsleff.com
Danpipe A/S CVR no. 12072384
Invoice is sent in pdf format to faktura@danpipe.dk
Per Aarsleff Grønland ApS CVR no. 12621167
Invoice is sent in pdf format to faktura-groenland@aarsleff.com
Electrification Programme Aarsleff I/S CVR no. 36944811
Invoice is sent in pdf format to faktura-epa@aarsleff.com
Other enquiries
When sending other enquiries to the creditor team, including submission of statements of account and reminders, use the email address kreditorteam@aarsleff.com