
We believe that diversity leads to better decisions, promotes innovation and contributes to growth and value creation. We are committed to creating a workplace where all employees feel valued and have equal opportunities to grow and contribute.

Our commitment

Inclusive culture

We want to create results and value to society through a broad employee composition. We believe that different backgrounds, experience and perspectives enrich our workplace and lead to innovative solutions.

Equal opportunities
We recruit and allow our employees to develop their skills regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, education, nationality, physical abilities or disabilities, political orientation, ethnicity, family status, religion or ideology.

Personal needs
To the widest extent possible, we want to take into consideration the individual employee's personal affairs, e.g. when the employee starts a family, approaches the retirement age or experiences other life-changing circumstances. 

Personal development
We recognise our social responsibility, and we want to give our employees with special needs or challenges or permanent physical disabilities the possibility to develop in order to fulfil their potential even more.

Gender diversity
We focus on utilising the full talent from both genders – when we recruit apprentices, engineers or managers, but also when we inspire employees to become managers or when they express a wish to pursue a career in management. We work actively to increase the number of women in management positions and to ensure that renumeration is gender neutral. We believe that a good gender balance at all levels of our organisation is crucial to our success.

Our efforts

Management and training

We arrange courses in inclusive management and fight against unconscious bias. We train our managers in valuing our differences and creating an environment where everybody can thrive.

Diversity committee
We have appointed a diversity committee with the CEO as chairman. The committee must help ensure the progress of more diversity, for example, we have joined the Confederation of Danish Industry's Gender Diversity Pledge and the 16 principles.

Goal for 2026/27
We aim for a gender distribution of at least 40% at the two top management levels and in the boards of directors. We have committed ourselves to achieve this goal and to report on our progress regularly.