Meet our employees

– Read about their development, opportunities and a good workday

Anna Ikkala

Project Manager

In Aarsleff, there is an entrepreneurial mindset. I felt that already on the first day when I walked through the door. Here, it is possible to test new ideas and to develop. And there is a great confidence in and support for the employees. For example, when I told my manager that I wanted to become an inspecting master, I was soon recommended for the job. One of the things that I like about my job is the unpredictability that you often experience on a construction site. But I also really like working with the apprentices. It is nice to see how the young colleagues develop during their apprenticeship and to make them feel that they succeed.

"Here, it is possible to test new ideas and to develop. And there is a great confidence in and support for the employees."

Anna Ikkala

Hassan Mohamad

VDC Group Manager

Aarsleff is a great workplace because there is freedom with responsibility. There are so many different disciplines that allow you to learn a lot, and it is possible to constantly develop if you want to. I have been surprised by how much expertise Aarsleff has and how good the employees are at helping each other to develop. It almost seems like the only limitation is your own curiosity and pro-activity. Personally, I have developed both professionally and socially, and I really appreciate the flexibility of the job.

"Personally, I have developed both professionally and socially, and I really appreciate the flexibility of the job."

Hassan Mohamad

Mathias Trier


In Aarsleff, even young engineers can participate in large, exciting projects. There is a lot of good colleagues with a long experience that would like to help you if you need it. Generally, the work is anything but trivial – I have made the design for many different structures such as an energy island, a harbour quay, a stone revetment and foundations for offshore wind farms. And I look forward to participating in the production of a 3,000 tons heavy gravity foundation at Aarsleff's own element factory in Poland – and also to help sail it out on the ocean and install it.

"In Aarsleff, even young engineers can participate in large, exciting projects."

Mathias Trier


Lisa Bonnichsen

Project Manager

What makes my job fun is being part of a team. Each day – both salaried employees and hourly-paid employees – work closely together to achieve a shared goal of completing a complex project. It's cool to be able to contribute with planning and management in order to realise the projects. For me, a good day at work is when the plan succeeds in practice, and there is a positive vibe on the project. Despite the size of the Group, it still feels like you are seen and can make a difference. There is a strong focus on development, and with a dedicated effort there is no limit to how far you can go.

"What makes my job fun is being part of a team. Each day – both salaried employees and hourly-paid employees – work closely together to achieve a shared goal of completing a complex project." 

Lisa Bonnichsen

Kasper Nymark


Soon, I have worked in Aarsleff for 20 years. Generally, it is a place where the employees stay for many years. It's a sign that you are thriving. My job is especially fun when it just works out and everything comes together. Or when big challenges succeed, and you look back on a completed project and think: "that was fun." In Aarsleff we think things through, we usually have plenty of time for planning, and I experience that the safety culture – together with a good working environment – is highly prioritised. Aarsleff has a good and healthy culture, and you can always get help from good colleagues.

"In Aarsleff we think things through, we usually have plenty of time for planning, and I experience that the safety culture – together with a good working environment – is highly prioritised." 

Kasper Nymark

Ole Schmidt

IT Project Manager

I have been employed in Aarsleff for the past 18 years, and during that period the size of the IT department has increased tenfold. As an IT Project Manager I get a good insight into different work processes and products that we supply in the entire Aarsleff Group. In addition, I am the technical product owner of some of our systems which provides me with a good overview of the total system portfolio. I like to participate in the building up of new systems or showing what the existing systems can be used for. To me, a good workday is a day which has a broad range of tasks. Perhaps with meetings which provide you with insight into a business process that we can improve in the future – an example of that is automation.

"I like to participate in the building up of new systems or showing what the existing systems can be used for."

Ole Schmidt